At Home On The Battlefield - Illustration for Fashion Magazine
At Home On The Battlefield - Illustration for Fashion Magazine
At Home On The Battlefield - Illustration for Fashion Magazine
Ingrown Hair Issues - Illustration for Glamour Hungary Magazine
Happiness - lllustration for Glamour Hungary Magazine
Home Spa - Illustration for Glamour Hungary Magazine
Historic Coffeehouses in Budapest - lllustration for Glamour Hungary Magazine
Travel Etiquette - lllustration for Glamour Hungary Magazine
Women's Sports - lllustration for Glamour Hungary Magazine
The Place And Time For Competition - Illustration for Fashion Magazine
The Place And Time For Competition - Illustration for Fashion Magazine
The Place And Time For Competition - Illustration for Fashion Magazine
Still life - inspired by the Still here, still life weekly art challenges
Still life - inspired by the Still here, still life weekly art challenges
Still life - inspired by the Still here, still life weekly art challenges
Illustration for a poem by Csokonai Vitéz Mihály The Strawberry.
Illustration for a poem by Csokonai Vitéz Mihály The Strawberry.
Illustration for a poem by Csokonai Vitéz Mihály The Strawberry.
Inspirational women - Deva
Inspirational women - Janikovszky Éva
Inspirational women - Juliana Spicoluk
Inspirational women - Julie Delpy
Budapest running map for The Ritz-Carlton Budapest
Gellért hegy - detail of the Running Map for The Ritz-Carlton Budapest
Szilágyi Dezső tér - detail of the Running Map for The Ritz-Carlton Budapest
The Ritz-Carlton Budapest- detail of the Running Map for The Ritz-Carlton Budapest
Illustration for a poem by Csokonai Vitéz Mihály: The Happiness.
Illustration for a poem by Csokonai Vitéz Mihály: The Happiness.
Illustration for a poem by Csokonai Vitéz Mihály: The Happiness.